Can you spare 16 hours spread over a month, if so, have you considered helping your community by volunteering.
Southwell Community First Responders are a non-profit making group, whose aim is to provide First Responder cover to the local community after training with East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) for a variety of emergency situations from cardiac/respiratory difficulties to falls dependant on the level of training. As Community First Responders we work with and alongside the Ambulance Service attending emergencies, treating the casualty until a Paramedic/ambulance arrives. The training given by EMAS consists of three days and will give all the skills required to become a responder. Once your training is complete you will be able to go on call initially alongside an experienced responder until you feel confident enough to go out by yourself.
Southwell Community First Responders now urgently need more volunteers to enable us to continue to provide this service for the community in and around Southwell.
No previous First Aid/Medical training is needed and there is no upper age limit. If you have transport, can drive, and feel that with training and ongoing support you could act in an emergency then please telephone any of the following for further information:
Mario Stankovic – Tel: 01636 814494